PL and CPL dwarf signals

NW Modeling List nw-modeling-list at
Mon Jun 10 12:32:01 EDT 2024

 Thanks, Richard D. Shell
In a message dated 6/10/2024 12:27:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, nw-modeling-list at writes: 
All,I am considering offering VERY finely detailed PL and CPL dwarf signals.  I could provide both the older style (curve to the right, shorter legs) as well as the newer style  (curve to the left, longer legs).  See attached photos.  I would like to get a feel for how much demand there would be for these signals.  If you model a yard, you would probably need several depending upon your exact track arrangement in order to be true to the N&W practice.If you would be so kind, please let me know what types and a rough idea of how many you might be interested in, and if there is sufficient response, I will move ahead.Thanks,Jim Cochran________________________________________
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