left-hand lead/left-hand drive/left-hand running

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Fri Mar 31 22:40:06 EDT 2023

Well, this has definitely sparked some interest and I have perhaps learned
something. Jimmy Lisle reminds us the C&NW was a left-hand running road and
that I knew, but if I have mistaken that for the left-hand drive as it may,
then I stand corrected. However, are we sure that no other roads may have
been left-hand drive per se? As I have thunked about it, no one chimed in
on the NY Central and as I am starting to recall they were right-hand drive
but used a screw type mechanism for their power-reverse at least on some if
not all of their Huidson types. Anyone care to chime in on that one, but
still unanswered, were any American RR's left-hand drive.

As for left-lead/right-hand lead and I presume you meant for the power
reverse, Ken, my apologies but that wasn't my intent here. This may spark
some additional comments but I seem to recall reading the Pennsy at one
time was different than other roads in that regard; am I correct on this

Bob Cohen
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