Spring Mills Depot and N&W Caboose project

NW Modeling List nw-modeling-list at nwhs.org
Fri Mar 6 23:44:53 EST 2020

I just got back home from a business trip and discovered 297 emails awaiting. Not all but MANY concerned the caboose project. I appreciate all the effort of those involved in the project and know if and when they are manufactured they will be the best cabin cars ever for the N&W.
I have been through the same wait, wait wait with past B&O offerings and still waiting for the newest B&O cars. Waiting is one thing, asking for advance money is another but I think the biggest peeve we all have is the total lack of concern for customers and impending customers about being told even the slightest update from these guys. I don't care how busy they are with Spring Mills or their full time jobs and their families it only takes a couple minutes to send out a small announcement. No 14 page manuscript with every detail is required from them but a short and to the point response so we know they are still in business, haven't died or gone to retire in Costa Rica or something would probably sooth a lot of ruffled feathers on concerned buyers.
I think their total lack of any information is very poor business practice and just plain rude.
I wish all of you guys who have been so helpful would have approached some other company that could do them. Frankly 100% detail perfection doesn't interest me near as much as HAVING SOME N&W CABIN CARS TO OPERATE! Athearn seems to be interested in doing some pretty nice cars now maybe they might be able to sell real cars to us rather than selling wishes and dreams.
All the excuses that have been discussed about Chinese factory closings and all don't seem to be stopping production from a multitude of new plastic items filling shipping containers.
I'm a fairly patient person but there's a limit that's been beaten to death here.
Just my 2¢.
Roger HuberDeer Creek Locomotive Works 


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