Lamberts Point: Ugly Imitation Electric Lokie

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Fri Jul 12 12:48:57 EDT 2024

One of the Lamberts Point photos in the John W. Barriger Collection at the Saint Louis Mercantile Library has raised a few questions in my Hood - things I never thought about.

That photo is attached. It shows an ugly boxcar-like thingie, numbered "11" which appears to be impersonating a real locomotive. It is equipped with double poles for trolley wires, and there are third-rails in the foreground of the photo. Good Grief !!! One of its siblings, numbered "20." is snoozing next to the nice stone building at right.

Here are the questions:

- What was the proper name for those ungainly monstrosities ?
- What were their exact duties ?
- Are there any articles detailing technical information?
- What craft operated them: a standard Engineman, or a Barney Yard employee ?
- Was the receiving yard wired, or just the "Barney" area ?
- How long did these things last, and what replaced them ?

-- abram burnett
>From Inside the Turnip Beltway
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