Lunch room in Roanoke Station

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Fri May 3 08:39:03 EDT 2024

 Unless Ken Miller corrects me, I think it was in the east area where the Link Museum gift shop now is.
Tim Hensley

    On Friday, May 3, 2024 at 06:04:30 AM EDT, NW Mailing List via NW-Mailing-List <nw-mailing-list at> wrote:  
 Please see

There are a couple of views of the lunch counter in Roanoke Station.  I suppose it must have been removed by the time I was there during 1968.  Where was it located within the building?  Also, did it come under the dining car jurisdiction or was it a private company concession?

Is the smaller counter for Blacks and the larger one for White customers?

Best wishes,

Frank Scheer
f_scheer at yahoo.com________________________________________
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