N&W "RS" (Repair Status) Codes

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Sun Apr 14 14:14:30 EDT 2024

I had thought to send Mr. Gordon Hamilton an email on this subject, but then realized the topic might be of interest to others who lurk on this List and enjoy old N&W musteries. So, here goes ...

The question is: Does anyone have a list of the N&W's RS (Repair Status) Codes?

Rolling stock which was not servicable until repaired was marked with a white line painted throught he digits of the car number. As I recall, the cars were also marked with the letters "RS" followed by a 1 or 2 digit number. The numbers indicated the hours of labor and/or the cost of affecting repairs necessary to return the car to revenue service. And I think "RS-31" was the code indicating that the cost of repairs exceeded the depreciated value of the car. Nor do I know the source of these codes: whether the AAR, the Master Car Builders' Association, or the individual railroad itself.

Can someone please school this worn-out Old Brakeman on this topic ?

-- abram burnett
New Malady Diagnosed: TDD - Turnip Deficit Disorder

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