Database for Location of Former Depots and Towers ?

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Tue Sep 19 17:29:07 EDT 2023

Hand Raised!

Christopher Bunsey
Sent from my iPhone

Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God. I’m not afraid of failure; I’m afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.” – William Carey

> On Sep 19, 2023, at 5:16 PM, NW Mailing List <nw-mailing-list at> wrote:
> I'm in!
> Ed Bell
> Sent from my antique LG K10, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
> ------ Original message------
> From: NW Mailing List
> Date: Tue, Sep 19, 2023 1:18 PM
> To: N&W Mailing List;
> Cc:
> Subject:Database for Location of Former Depots and Towers ?
> Have been having a little discussion with Senator Blackstock about the VGN's revision of line and grade in the vicinity of Stewartsville, incident to the damming of Roanoke River and the creation of Smith Mountain Lake in the 1950s.
> And it strikes us that it would be a worthy (and simple) project to build a database of the locations where the old railroad depots (and towers) once stood.  (Or the locations of other notable railroad structures.)
> This project can be done today, due to enough living memory.  In ten or fifteen years, perhaps not so easily.
> Example:  The VGN Round House at Roanoke.  In 20 years, the precise location may be lost, unless someone with a living memory (such as Attorney Jeff Sanderman) logs the information now.
> Anyone with a cell phone can stand at the former location of a structure and get coordinates.  Coordinates expressed to five decimal places should be sufficient.  (Ideally coordinates should be taken from the center of where the structure stood.)
> Senator Blackstock, a good, wise and true man, and an old Confederate Veteran, put forth a motion that we begin such a databasing project, and I seconded his motion.
> All in favor, please raise your hands !
>              -- abram burnett
> Three-Phase Ground-Loop Turnips
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