Y3a #2050 Tender Mystery

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Mon Aug 9 19:41:37 EDT 2021

I was looking at photos of N&W #2050, on display at the museum in Union, Illinois. I noticed in NWHS photos that its tender changed at some point. I’m guessing that this happened in later years of its operations.

I noticed the tender it retired with has buckeye trucks and a straight tank side. I looked at photos of brass models and think I determined the difference. It looks like it might have an unstreamlined K-2 tender without a doghouse? 


Engine: Norfolk  <http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPicture.aspx?id=4815071> & Western #2050 (rrpicturearchives.net)

Tender: NW 2050 (rrpicturearchives.net) <http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPicture.aspx?id=3899493> 

NWHS DS02595-Digital Scan <https://www.nwhs.org/archivesdb/detail.php?ID=135689> 

At this link, you can view a ¾ view of the fireman’s side of the tender matching the angle above. N&W K-2 unstreamlined brass model: HO Brass Train KEY N <https://brasstrains.com/BrassGuide/Pdg/Detail/23833/HO-Steam-Non-Articulated-Key-Model-Imports-MOUNTAIN-Norfolk-Western-4-8-2-K-2> &W 4-8-2 Key Model Imports (brasstrains.com)


NWHS NW07134-Photo <https://www.nwhs.org/archivesdb/detail.php?ID=76538> 

NWHS NW10485-Photo <https://www.nwhs.org/archivesdb/detail.php?ID=191597> 


Any other ideas? 


Phil Miller

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