N&W Roadbed sections

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Thu Oct 9 21:54:39 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,
I've been doing some research on N&W's engineering standards and have a couple of questions.  According to N&W standard plan L-334, in a cut, the roadbed is 12 ft wide from centerline of track to the edge of the ditch, and in a fill, the roadbed is 16 ft wide from centerline of track to the top of the fill slope.  Did N&W have a standard or typical method of transitioning the width of the roadbed from 12 ft in a cut section to 16 ft in a fill section?  If so, how did N&W make the transition?
Also, the sides of the ditch in the cut section are sloped 3 to 1 and the sides of the fill embankment are sloped 1.5 to 1.  How was the ditch in the cut section transitioned to the slope of the fill section?
Thank you,
Ed Cake

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