Book of interest- DT&I/NKP/ WAB

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Mon Feb 25 11:17:25 EST 2008

The DT&I was an important interchange for the N&W post 1964 in at least two
locations, Delta, Ohio and Glen Jean/Waverly, Ohio. Delta handled auto
traffic and Glen jean handled coal/coke and ore that went up to Detroit. As
the DT&I cut down across Ohio Northwest to Southeast, it cut across all of
the major east-west trunk routes running across Ohio, the PRR on the
Pittsburgh, Ft Wayne & Chicago mainline and the Panhandle mainline, the NYC/
Big Four Beeline, the B&O Chicago mainline as well as the Cincinnati Toledo
mainline at Leipsic Junction, the NKP Chicago mainline and the NKP at Lima,
Ohio, the Erie and the C&O Hocking Valley lines and the Wabash.

As the railroad said, "We have the Connections". The DT&I crossed
everybody everywhere in Ohio. However, the later railroad mergers changed
the connections and interchanges completely, ruining the business that the
DT&I had in the auto and auto parts traffic. Hence its collapse and sale to
the GTW and eventually the new Indiana & Ohio shortline.

One thing to note is that the DT&I handled part of the delivery of the VGN
steamers from Lima locomotive. The new locomotives would be handled off to
the DT&I in Lima who would take them down to Springfield Ohio where they
would be passed to the NYC. The NYC would haul the locomotives to Columbus,
Ohio where they would be transferred over to the T&OC (Toledo & Ohio Central
Division of the NYC) and run to the southeastern section of Ohio through the
coal fields and on to the Kanawha & Michigan section- Point Pleasant, Ohio
to Charleston WV and then Deepwater.

(The NYC in Ohio was a mixture of three routings; the Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern (LS&MS) Water Level Route to Chicago, which was part of the
original NYC, the Big Four, the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis
which covered the north, the west and the middle of Ohio and most of
Indiana, and the Toledo & Ohio Central, which were older lines connecting
the Ohio southeastern coal fields to Columbus and Toledo. The T&OC crossed
the N&W at Bannon just to the north of Watkins Yard. In gross, general
terms, the Big Four runs northeast to southwest in Ohio with lines oriented
Cleveland to Dayton, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and St. Louis; the T&OC runs
north-south or southeast to northwest. Of course, there are numerous
exceptions to this generalization. Today, many of the old Big Four and T&OC
lines have been abandoned, but many are still in important use.)

Gary Rolih


Subject: Book of interest

I recently purchased a copy of Morning Sun's new book titled "Wabash/Nickel
Plate/DT&I Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment," by James

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