1907 - Pres. Roosevelt Coming Through

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Sun Oct 21 22:30:00 EDT 2007

Roanoke Times - October 22, 1907


Will Pass Here Tomorrow From Hunting Trip Invitation to Stop

President Theodore Roosevelt will pass through this city tomorrow
at 8 o'clock en route to Washington from the jungles of Mississippi,
where he was for two weeks revelled in the joy of chasing mountain or
jungle for big game. And the mighty hunter did not seek in vain for
he killed a grizzly, to say nothing of deer and such small stuff.
The President left Vicksburg last night and will arrive at
Nashville this morning. From there his special will come north by way
of Knoxville and Bristol reaching this city tomorrow morning at 8
o'clock. Upon hearing the route chosen would bring the President
through this city, Mr. R. H. Angell, president of the Chamber of
Commerce, 'phoned for Mayor Cutchin to prepare for the reception of
the President in this city, though his stay might be ever so short.
Mayor Cutchin being unfortunately absent from the city Mr. Angell, by
request of many citizens as well as from his own personal
inclination, sent the following telegram to Mr. Roosevelt last night
asking him to deliver a short address upon his passage through Roanoke.

"Roanoke, Va., Oct. 21, 1907.
"Hon. Theodor Roosevelt,
"Nashiville, Tenn., (To arrive.)
"Our citizens are anxious for an
opportunity of hearing you upon the
occasion of your return through this
"Will you kindly honor us with
the privilege of a short talk, includ-
ing 'how you killed the bear?'
"President Chamber Commerce"

Mr. Angell expects an answer this morning and it is with high
expectation that many citizens will await the answer for Mr.
Roosevelt has many admirers in Roanoke, though not all are of his
persuasion. It will be a great disappointment if he does not tarry
long enough for a "talk."
In any event the President's special will stop in this city, but
whether or not long enough for a speech is yet to be learned. Though
he may find it necessary to hurry through and in consequence be
unable to address the citizens of Roanoke, there will be a throng at
the station when his train rolls in. The least the President can do
will be to wave the hide of his grizzly victim as he flies by; that
will at least sustain good will.
Owing to the uncertainty of the President delivering a short
address arrangements for his reception have been left unmade pending
the receipt of a message from him this morning. In case he accepts
the invitation, it is most probable that the Machine Works Band will
turn out to welcome the President with the strains of martial music.
A committee of citizens will receive him formally and in the
absence of the mayor, Mr. Angell will most likely in his capacity as
president of the Chamber of Commerce, be called upon to do the honors
of the occasion.


- Ron Davis, Roger Link

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