ATCS hacking

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Wed Jan 10 09:10:13 EST 2007

"Given the extreme difficulty and extreme cost of doing so, factor in the
range of usability, then factor in that the dispatcher would immediately
know if anything was awry, not likely."

Robb & John,
Due to incidences in the past year that I am sure you are not aware of,
and that I do not feel at liberty to discuss here, please do not dismiss my
and my fellow workers concerns on this subject as nonsense! Things may be
very passive at this time, however, technology is making leaps and bounds at
phenominal rates. Just read todays newspaper.
Sure, we know you are out there following our every move.You've heard
the old adage about locks being invented to keep the honest people out. It
is not the honest Railfan that I worry about.
I worry about that one unknown demented soul out there that decides he
wants to test his own ingenuity using real people as his guinea pig.
Jimmy Lisle

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