Quid Cloverdale Branch ?

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Sun Nov 19 08:08:41 EST 2006

How long is the branch? How many industries did it serve in the late 60's early 70's? How many stations did it have? What type of power did they use in the 60-70's? Thanks for any info,"

Cloverdale Branch is about nine miles long, however MP C8 is the last actual milepost. It was built for the Lone Star cement business, but also serves the APCO power station at Cloverdale (actually closer to Coling) and at one time the Southern States store at Cloverdale.
Power could be anything. Early seventies saw a lot of GP9s and RS11s. As thet were phased out GP38s, GP35s, GP40s then SD units and now any HiAd unit.Take your pick, they were all there at one time or another.
There was a register book to sign when you went on and came off of the branch. Movement on the branch is now authorized from the dispatcher by Track Warrant.
Jimmy Lisle
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