White Insulators

nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Wed Dec 15 21:24:26 EST 2004

N&W used two white insulators on its lineside poles.  I believe these insulators were used on the lines (wires) that allowed communication with the dispatcher and station agents along the right-of-way.  In an emergency, the train crews could attach a portable handset to these lines in order to communicate with other personnel.

My question involves the location/placement of the white insulators.  I believe they were always on the lowest arm of the lineside pole, and were the two insulators closest to the track.  I've looked through numerous books but can't seem to verify this.

I believe all other insulators were green in color, but I'm not certain about this.

Anyone have a better insight into this interesting detail?

Jim Brewer
Glenwood MD
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